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Angela McKee
Angela McKee

Publishing Scholarly Journals

By: Angela McKee

Publishing your scholarly research in Open Access journals is rapidly becoming the norm in academia. The landscape of scholarly publishing is evolving, moving from traditional methods to a barrier-free and equitable way of sharing research worldwide.

While publishing in some Open Access journals can involve significant costs, such as Article Processing Charges (APCs), Rowland Medical Library has established agreements with several publishers to help mitigate these expenses. If your article is accepted by one of the publishers with whom we have an Open Access agreement, you can publish your work without incurring any APCs.

The participating publishers include:

- BMJ Case Reports

- Cambridge University Press

- Company of Biologists

- Elsevier

- Springer Nature

We are particularly excited about our new agreement with Elsevier, known for its notable scientific and medical journals.

Rowland Medical Library is here to provide the support you need when disseminating your research.

Visit the Scholarly Initiatives Subject Guide to learn more about publishing your work.